
Namaka Compliance deliver innovative Compliance services encompassing Digital and Virtual Reality Technology to ensure that the Energy Sector Workforce is capable of being deemed compliant and competent, particularly where Major Accident Hazards exist.


Namaka Compliance has developed digital solutions for clients based on industry compliance and competence.


Namaka Compliance was founded in September 2020 due to an increasing demand seen not only in the Subsea Sector but the entire Energy Sector onshore as well as offshore.


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The workshop, which is interactive, addresses frequently asked questions in a common sense manner that allows individuals to understand how to protect themselves and their property in a non-confrontational manner.

The workshop looks at areas such as pre-departure hazard assessment‘s, the techniques for basic recognition of dangerous situations, personal security, covering many techniques for keeping safe and avoiding danger in the field, including theoretical and practical exercises.

Security Awareness Training