18 July 2022
Recently, the senior management team of Namaka Group of companies held an online meeting with the Health and Safety Executives, Inspectors of Health & Safety (Diving Specialists). This meeting was held to discuss various challenges faced in the Subsea and Oil and Gas Industry as a whole, with a particular focus on organisations' ability to demonstrate the competence of their personnel.
Initially, discussions related to the current challenges faced in the energy sector and various disciplines within. However, for every challenge presented, Namaka Compliance Managing Director Jamie Murphy provided solutions we have developed through our competence assurance services or our digital online Competence Management System (CMS) Athena. As part of that meeting, there was an opportunity to demonstrate how Namaka Compliance can manage personnel's competence by utilising Athena to create an online assessment/verification process in alignment with UK HSE, IMCA and IOGP requirements for all its personnel.
The demonstration also exhibited how Athena works in tandem with the workforce and satisfies the regulator that all personnel are continually assessed with full traceability. This can be achieved through remote/worksite assessments and allowing access to authorised key clients for visibility. The system has also been designed to support the existing Competence Framework that organisations use and was designed to move away from the archaic methods of excel spreadsheets and meetings to determine competence.
The HSE Inspectors were impressed with the system as it allows organisations to review collective and individual competence and allows the regulator to view all personnel activities in real-time with minimal usage of available bandwidth.
If you require support in either developing, implementing, or maintaining a competence management system or a demo of 'Athena' please get in touch
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