
Namaka Compliance deliver innovative Compliance services encompassing Digital and Virtual Reality Technology to ensure that the Energy Sector Workforce is capable of being deemed compliant and competent, particularly where Major Accident Hazards exist.


Namaka Compliance has developed digital solutions for clients based on industry compliance and competence.


Namaka Compliance was founded in September 2020 due to an increasing demand seen not only in the Subsea Sector but the entire Energy Sector onshore as well as offshore.

Namaka Compliance Launch Cloud Based Competence Management System 'Athena'

6 October 2020

Namaka Compliance have created an online Competence Management System ‘ATHENA’ that can track company and individual competencies. Jamie Murphy Managing Director of Namaka Compliance said developing ATHENA has been a very simplistic and easy experience, and we have brought some innovative solutions to the system that I have not seen in any other Competence Management Systems I have worked with.

Throughout the years Jamie has been involved in a workforce engagement programme with various trades offshore/onshore to discern their need and has taken this knowledge to build ATHENA around the end user requirements rather than just an HR function. The industry requires a system that is simplistic and can work alongside personnel rather than having to contribute extra time to determine their competence. Many supervisors stressed with the downturn that many new personnel have been taken on and it has been difficult to determine competence, so with this in mind the system was built around not only training and competence but Supervisory/Leadership capabilities as well.

Jamie said “Having worked offshore/onshore for several years and still continuing to do so throughout the world in different capacities, I have identified many competence schemes which are incomplete due to them being very complicated. With the industry now embracing digitalisation this should make these scenarios a thing of the past”

‘ATHENA’ has the capability to not only track company staff competence but also the transient workforce regardless of which company they work for, which has attracted interested with International Energy Companies (IEC) and Engineering Procurement Companies in the UK and Internationally. Namaka Compliance will shortly be making several announcements in regard to this over the next couple of week, giving the capability of recruitment companies to track competence of their contractors and will act as a safety passport whilst also working in accordance with GDPR regulations

The system uses Ex rated technology as for the assessment and verification processes where required and Namaka Compliance’s Competence Assurance services underpinning this, from conducting Training and Competence Audits and Gap Analysis with procedural and discipline development to ensure that the customer has an end to end technology system which is virtually paperless and easy to use. It allows customers to access in real time to view all individual’s competence they are responsible for.

The system was not only designed for the larger companies, but also has the capability to manage the competence of micro companies and those with only several staff members, allowing Namaka Compliance to manage their competencies at a cost effective rate rather than utilising consultants.

For further information on ATHENA please get in touch

Get in touch to find out how Athena can help with your competency needs